Thursday, September 25, 2003

Obscure Buff Hottie? Moi?

So as not to disappoint all the Obscure Buff Hottie fans out there, I've moved tomorrow's Obscure Buff Hottie forward a day while I'm waiting for a revelation regarding the hottie from Peep Show.

Thursday's Obscure Buff Hottie: Tom Lenk

Tom Lenk played Andrew Wells in the sixth and seventh seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Andrew began life as part of a geek-villain trio, but became a sort of Scooby Gang member in season seven, much to the chagrin of Xander et al. Andrew was monotonal and obscenely self-involved, but was disarmingly cute with it. And he was a gayer, even if he wasn't actually aware of this.

(Interesting facts: Tom Lenk appeared in an earlier episode of Buffy as one of Harmony's minions who wanted to kill Dawn - hell, didn't we all - and also had a minor role in an episode of the second season of Popular.)


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