Friday, January 02, 2004

Party like it's 2004

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you've all managed to keep your New Year's resolutions thus far. Here are ours:

- Not to get angry every time someone calls Cheryl Tweedy a racist
- To support and rehabilitate any fans of the Stereophonics that we may encounter
- To come up with original ideas for this site and stop ripping off everyone else
- To obtain Will Young's home phone number and harass him for a date relentlessly
- To do the same to Andrew from Phixx if Will Young's number is not available
- Not to daydream about buff hotties when we should be working
- Not to run theme weeks that won't have legs past Wednesday
- To remember to visit the blogs of others on a more regular basis
- To audition for an S Club 8 tribute band (as Hannah)
- To finally learn HTML properly

Wishing you all the best for 2004,
Steve x


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